From left to right: Commissioner Paul Edwards, Katie Aiken Ritter, Senator George Edwards
JAIL & BAIL??? WHO ARE THESE DESPERADOS...AND WHY AM I SO HAPPY? These "prisoners" are the esteemed State Senator George Edwards and his son, Commissioner Paul Edwards. These good-natured gentlemen - what with being locked up and a completely captive audience!!! - were kind enough to let me discuss with them the MASSIVE FINANCIAL RISKS FRACKING carries to the very people it purports to support: our important FARMERS! From gas companies who scam farmers on royalties, to homeowners' insurance not covering lawsuits if the neighbors' wells go bad...from the dangers of millions of gallons of RAMPANT ILLEGAL DUMPING of toxic, radioactive frackwaste to the Johns Hopkins study documenting huge increases in BIRTH DEFECTS and premature births when mothers live near frack wells...risk after risk after risk comes along with the purported "benefits" of fracking. I KNOW these two kind men care deeply about the people of their communities. I very much appreciate the chance to talk with them about why FRACKING IS BAD BUSINESS FOR MARYLAND! PS: We happily donated $20 to their "bail bond"...after we were finished talking with them, of course!
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From Engage Mountain Maryland
Two citizens took it upon themselves to help educate local farmers on how fracking could impact their farms should they enter into a lease. Michelle Wright, coordinator, and Katie Ritter, who researched and authored information to share, set up shop at the Garrett County Fair.
The theme is Farm to Fable. The pair are speaking one-on-one with local farmers and land owners about potential downsides to fracking land they are currently farming or considering industrializing. The information is designed to show that not all leases result in fortune and some come with obstacles and problems that land owners may be unaware of before signing on the dotted line.
If you would like to inform your family, neighbors, friends, or group about fracking, you can download our one-pagers to share to get things rolling. If you would like us to address your group or assist with your own outreach, please contact us to discuss how we can help.